B.A (Psych), Dip Counselling and Psychotherapy, Dip. Supervision. MIAHIP, ICP, BISS, ISST, SIAHIP.
Qualifications: B.A. (Hons) Psychology (University College Dublin), Diploma in Counselling and Psychotherapy (Tivoli Institute Dublin), Diploma in Supervision (Dublin Gestalt Centre), Membership qualification of the International Society for Sandplay Therapy (Zurich, Switzerland).
Professional status: Member of the Irish Association for Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy (IAHIP). Registrant of the Irish Council for Psychotherapy (ICP). Member of the British and Irish Sandplay Society (BISS). Member of the International Society for Sandplay Therapy (ISST). Supervising member of the Irish Association for Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy (SIAHIP).
Email address: maeve@focuspsychotherapy.ie
Experience and approach: Maeve Dooley is one of the founding practitioners of Focus Counselling and Psychotherapy (established 1997). Since beginning professional practice in 1994 she has worked with individuals, couples and groups, though she now works solely with individuals. Enquires are accepted through individual self referral, GPs, health care professionals, the HSE and other referring agencies. Her core training enables her to use a broad spectrum of approaches through the familiar ‘talk therapy’ method, inclusive of person centred, psychodynamic, analytic and cognitive behavioural models. Maeve’s specialist approach is Jungian psychotherapy. She has trained in Jungian Sandplay therapy with the British and Irish Sandplay Society (BISS) in London.
Professional practice: Maeve’s primary approach is Humanistic and Integrative. Now twenty seven years in practice she brings a wealth of experience and maturity of insight to her work. Maeve is also an accrediated Supervisor with the IAHIP having trained in Supervision practice with the British Association for Psychotherapy (BAP) and The Dublin Gestalt Centre. She also offers Jungian Sandplay therapy which is a creative and primarily non verbal therapeutic process. Jungian sandplay therapy offers the space and medium for clients who wish to engage in a process towards individual understanding, awareness and development.
Maeve is a former member of the editorial board of Inside Out, the Irish journal for Humanistic and Integrative psychotherapy. She has also taught on the BISS professional training programme for Jungian Sandplay in London. She is currently the treasurer of the International Society for Sandplay Therapy.
About Jungian Sandplay: The Jungian sandplay process is in essence non-verbal and symbolic. In what its founder Dora Kalff called, the “free and protected place” of the therapeutic environment, the client plays with sand, water, and miniatures over a period of time, creating images out of their experiences. Occasionally during talk therapy when words fail to get at the heart of the true experience a client is wrestling with or something arises in a person’s process which requires a non-verbal, intuitive and tactile exploration, sandplay can be uniquely helpful. Sandplay is primarily a non-directive, non-verbal therapy. By using miniature figures and symbols to create pictures in a small sandtray, unconscious contents can become visable and the innate healing capacity of the psyche is activated. Sandplay is a creative form of therapy using the imagination. A series of Sandplay images portrayed in the sand tray create an ongoing dialogue between the conscious and the unconscious aspects of the client’s psyche, which activates a healing process and the further development of ones individual self
For more information see www.maevedooley.ie and www.jungiansandplay.ie